July 10, 2006

of friends and brazelets

[credit for the pics goes to Alchemy of Yaoi]

By now you must have noticed Shoon is my favourite in Ya3 and that this blog is seriously Shoon-biased. XD So, yes, this is another Shoon post.

Now, I have such an obse-shoon that I notice even all those accesories Shoon wears. It seems he loves them because even when he was a kid he wore pendants and brazelets. He really is a stylish guy. =)

Also it seems he tries to get other johnnys to wear accesories as well. In a recent magazine he mentioned he'd given Hikaru a pendant as a gift and asked him why he never wore it, if it was because he didn't like it. Hikaru answered he did wear it, only perhaps he hadn't when they were together and promised to wear it more often. I have a feeling it was the pendant Hikaru was wearing on the TV episode in which they went to Enoshima. ;-)

Anyway... Do you remember this leather brazelet Shoon had been wearing lately?

This is the full pic, and it's from the June Myojo edition of this year.

Well, I said "had been wearing", in the past tense, because he is not wearing it anymore. For some time now he's been wearing this silver brazelet: (these are screen caps from one of the TV show episodes of this month)

Well, guess who's wearing Shoon's leather brazelet now...

That's right: Massu! XD How funny is that? Do they share accesories or what? LOL That's a picture from the August Duet edition of this year, but you can see him wearing it in the photoshoots of last month as well. I think this proves that they truly are close. ;-)

PS: I know that's Massu's natural hair colour, but doesn't he look strange? LOL I liked him better with his hair dyed. It will take me a while to get used to his new look.

PPS: As you can see finally I've decided on a name for the blogsite: Ya-Ya-yah obse-shoon. ^_^


Anonymous said...

Muy bonito ese brazalete...se parece mucho a uno que me compré el otro día, así como con estilo fashion-étnico.

¿Es cierto que le regaló un pendiente a Hikaru? o.o...vaya, me alegra mucho ver que hay tan buen rollo en el grupo y que son tan amigos ^^

Por cierto, que me encanta como sale en Myojo. Está verdaderamente lindo *¬*. Me encantaría comprar esa revista, pero hace poco compré dos y ya como que a mi madre le daría algo si ve que gasto más dinero en "revistas de chinos! X-DDDDDDDDDD. El brazalete plateado tambien es bonito, pero me gusta más el estilo del otro ^^

¡¡Massu!! Me gusta mucho este niño, tiene una cara muy simpática (sobre todo esos ojitos y esos cachetes tan pellizcables *-*). Aunque de NEWS mis favoritos son Kusano (I miss him ._.), Yamapi y Yuuya (que cada día está más guapo xD).

Ah, se me olvidaba. Muchas gracias por la contraseña para "box treasure", porque la verdad es que me hacía ilusión bajarme cosas de allí ^^. Y el blog me encanta, sinceramente. Está super bien organizado y tiene un contenido muy interesante ^^

Nada más. Espero no haber escrito un post demasiado largo *lo mira*...es que cuando me enrollo....^^UUU

Un saludo =)

Kamichan said...

Well, I guess passing on clothes is a bit different from sharing accessories, but for all I know they might even be sharing their underwear! LOL
Do you remember the chequered shirt Shoon used to wear in the early days? I don't know how to fit in a pic in this comment without messing up the whole layout, so you'll have to come here to see what happened to that shirt:
Shirt Trek - The Next Generation

Anonymous said...

i dont mind a shoon biased site at all!! haha XD
shoon rocks!<3

Anonymous said...

I notice this last month tooXD
Do you know who is Daisuke? The one playing piano in FIVE. He have the same necklace with ShoonXD
(And I thought Koyama-kun have one too...)

Unknown said...

No, lo que le regaló a Hikaru fue un colgante. ^^ La palabra "pendant" significa "colgante". Es una de ésas que se conocen como "false friends"; palabras que suenan muy parecidas en español e inglés pero tienen distinto significado.

Ya lo creo que sale increíble en ese número de la Myojo. *___* A mí también me gustaría comprar todas las revistas que salen cada mes, pero me parece excesivo el precio para cuatro paginillas de Ya-Ya-yah que me interesan. XD

A mí lo que me gustaría saber es qué es lo que cuelga de la pulsera de plata que lleva ahora. Parece un perro.

Massu es un encanto. ^____^ Yo lo adoro porque además parece que Shoon y él son muy amigos, y hacían juntos el AiQ, que era la monda. Yamapi es un show por sí mismo. XD Es divertidísimo, y si no fuera por sus rasgos nadie diría que es japonés.

Un besote. ^^B

for all I know they might even be sharing their underwear! LOL
LOL Let us hope not, ha, ha.

I forgot to tell you that I loved the title of that post, Shirt Trek - The Next Generation XD You always come up with really great titles for posts: funny and to the point.

I'm glad you don't mind the site being Shoon-biased. And yes, Shoon rocks! Take care and thanks for visiting and commenting. ^^BBBB

Hello! ^___^
Daisuke, The one playing piano in FIVE. He have the same necklace with Shoon XD
He does? O___O Gosh, I'll have to investigate that! XD Thanks for the tip. ;-)

(And I thought Koyama-kun have one too...)
Koyama as well? Now this is getting me worried. XD

Take care. <3333

Anonymous said...

hehe massu is so cute! and yea..i agree with u...i liked his old hair colour better. but i guess the black isnt THAT bad...we'll just have to get used to it! =p

Anonymous said...

Hi Irea-san
I'm May

Shoon give it to massu ?>___<


Irea did you watch SC date 09/07/06 ? You must to watch !! Shoon very handsome and so cute >__< I sure You can melt in 1 sec !!!

Anonymous said...

I had that same exact theory. O_o

Great minds think alike? XD I was thinking he gave it to Massu?

Anonymous said...

Hi! 8D
I noticed it too! I was like, "WOAH" O_o; I think it's awesome that they're such great friends~ XD

Unknown said...

@anonymous user:
Indeed black hair isn't that bad. I prefer Shoon with black hair too.

Shoon give it to massu ?>___<
So it seems. It's not a bad thing. It shows they're good friends. ;-)

And yes, I watched Sunday's SC already as you'll see from today's post. So great! Shoon is getting more and more exposure! ^___^

Great minds think alike? XD I was thinking he gave it to Massu?
LOL Indeed, great minds think alike. XD Yes, I think he gave it to Massu. ;-)

Yes, it's great they are so close as for sharing accesories. LOL

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Honey-Darling thing in AiQ has something to do with it