September 22, 2006

Bokura no Secret LJ

Bokura no Secret has now an official home: True Love, a fanfic journal where I'll post extras updates and other things related to it. =)
Today I'm posting a funny thing there that I'll post here as well.
Some people have told me that BnS is like the Brokeback Mountain of the Ya-Ya-yah fandom, and I found it really amusing, so I couldn’t resist making this when I found some high-quality scans of the 2005 November issue of WinkUp mag at Boys_Paper. XDDD Click on the pic to see a larger version.
PS: this entry is dedicated to Atarashii_yoake (aka Animato), who of late lashes out Yamabu everywhere =p And yes, I've decided to adopt your name for the pairing, Fahlyu. ^__^ Sounds really cute.


Anonymous said...

Love your picture!! I think your so good at making photos!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, but I have a question. Is the title Bokura no Secret from the lyric in Shoon's Top Secret? me and you--- kono koi wa sooooo tabooooo Bokura no secret....?

Unknown said...

Love your picture!! I think your so good at making photos!!
Yay, thanks. ^___^ *feels flattered*

Is the title Bokura no Secret from the lyric in Shoon's Top Secret? me and you--- kono koi wa sooooo tabooooo Bokura no secret....?
Yes it is!! =D You're the first person to realize that, so congrats. ^___^ Yep, the song gave me the idea for the title, and in fact the song itself is in a way related to the story because... well, their love is taboo in a way, isn't it? ;-)

Anonymous said...

xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Brokeback Mountain?? Jajajaja, la verdad es que sí, les pega...^^ aunque afortunadamente tu fic acaba muchísimo mejor, menos mal. Me hubiera dado algo si alguno de los dos hubiera acabado de esa manera x.x. Además, todavía me ha hecho más gracia porque ví la peli ayer por primera vez y la tengo más fresquita. Ahora ya no la veré con los mismos ojos =P

Kamichan said...

LOL, that pic is hilarious! I love it, excellent job!

My god, I've just been staring at it for 5 minutes...

Anonymous said...

hee~ XD that pic cracks me up! XDDD

the world needs more yamabu fics! XDDD
I so rabu your yamabu fic. beautifully-written~<3 8D