October 31, 2007

good Shoon&Taiyô news

This deserved an entry of its own even though I posted another just a few hours ago. Fiona has just updated her site, Happy Town with a piece of good news for Taiyô and Shoon fans.

I don't understand a word of Chinese, but Altavista's Babelfish comes so handy in these cases:
萬聖節快樂! 剛上來為大家帶來好消息....12月duet有太陽solo頁,翔央跟莉央兄弟搭檔上場~
Babelfish automatic translation: Halloween is joyful! Just came up for everybody brings news... 12 month duet to have taiyo the solo page, shoon teams up with Brother reon to go on stage ~

OMG!!! I'm so happy and hopeful after hearing a confirmation of this!! ;_____; Yui had told me just now in the comments that a friend had told her about it, but she was not sure if it was true. A page for Taiyô in the December issue of Duet, and Shoon and Reon... together on stage?!!!! OMG! I need somebody who speaks Chinese to confirm this 'cause it might be a mistranslation of Babelfish. I don't know if this means that they've become a unit together, if they're going to sing together, if they're going to be in a play together, or what! XD According to Montanaky, who left a comment, the part about Shoon and Reon probably means just that they appear together on the same page in the mag which would be great! <333 Anyway, I'm so excited and relieved to know they're still there in Duet at least. I hope Wink Up and Potato will feature them too. I also hope JE has something good in store for Taiyô - you better do, you hear me, Mr.K.? Taiyô deserves something better than being a backdancer, okay? *glares* Taiyô, Shoon... ganbatte kudasai ne!

PS: [about the pics on Fiona's latest entry] Hikaru, why do you have to be so adorkable? I want you back in Ya-Ya-yah!! And bring Yabu back too. He's getting too handsome for his own good, dammit. XD

PS: some more news - SC related [I moved it from the previous entry to this one]
The Shounen Club official site has been updated with info about the December episode (will be aired on Dec. 23rd) already. It will be a special like last year, with Takki and Musical Academy's Yara Tomoyuki as guests. The episode was recorded at the NHK 101 studio, with the juniors there, just like last year as well, and they'll air old clips requested by the audience too. I wonder if Taiyô and Shoon will be there. *crosses fingers* There will also be a Junior ni Q like last year and recorded Xmas messages from several debuted groups. Also, they'll air a music video clip of the dance unit Takki has created, and a making-of of that video.

ザ少年倶楽部スペシャル ~僕たちのクリスマスプレゼント~
BS2 12月23日(日) 午後7:30~8:59 BShi 12月25日(火) 午後6:00~7:29
今年も、101スタジオにジュニアが集結し、ゲストには滝沢秀明、屋良朝幸(Musical Academy)を迎えて、さらにパワーアップした内容で送る。昨年のスペシャルにゲスト出演した滝沢秀明が語ったとおり、番組の「コーナープロデュース」が実現!その「滝沢秀明スペシャルプロジェクト」の集大成ともいえる、新ユニットのミュージックビデオを番組内で発表!もちろん、ミュージックビデオのメイキングシーンや、本人の撮影秘話も紹介していく。そのほか、今年ホールに遊びに来てくれた先輩たち、タッキー&翼、NEWS、関ジャニ∞、KAT-TUNからの「クリスマスメッセージ」や、今年起こった先輩たちの「10大ニュース」を紹介するVTRも。また、おなじみの「Jr.にQ」をスタジオで展開。ジュニアの本音に迫る。