September 23, 2007

solos for everyone

EDIT: julyeighth has left a comment to point out that what I thought was Taiyô's new solo is actually a solo of Arashi's Aiba called Yokaze. *is embarrassed XD;;;* I'll admit I'm a bit of a JE ignorant in much of what is not Ya-Ya-yah related. ^_^;;; I truly admire people who follow more than one JE group. I don't have the time nor the energies. XD How do you guys manage to watch so many shows and everything? I'm disappointed Taiyô still hasn't got a new solo of his own, but oh well, at least he got to sing solo. =] Everyone, please feel free to correct me when you spot some mistake or whatever in a post. ^__^
Taiyô as well!! o^o^o *flails* And not just a solo; his own solo!!! Let me say that again: his own solo!!! ^_____^ My only complaint is that they haven't let him have a livestage on his own to sing the full song first. Anyway Glowingmoon630 posted this at the Ya3 LJ comm. It's the livestage of yesterday's show, and Fiona hasn't even uploaded that one yet! ZOMG! I'm spazztic. It's such a great livestage. Hikaru sings Gentles, Shoon BadxNice (long time no hear), Taiyo sings his Aiba's song 夜風(Yokaze - Night Wind), and then Yabu sings Arashi no Carnival... and at the end they all sing the last lines of Yabu's song together. Sugoi!!! I always wanted to see Shoon dancing Arashi no Carnival XD Can't wait to see this in HQ. ^___^
PS: Don't you love my new header? I do. XD